Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Russia to Build new space port... yes, there will be bears involved.

Russia announced today that they plan to build a new spaceport and have a manned mission into space by 2018.

Ya know.. The one thing I have always said is, "What's better than Russian's?" then I look around as no one answers and then I say, "Russian's in space." This statement is true. Who can forget Sputnik! This is the Russian's finally doing what they do best, shooting giant rockets into space.
This will most definitely cement the relationship between it's space brothers, China and the U.S., as the creepy guy that arrived to the party a little too late, but has been there before, but he just went and got his new car, and kind of wants to show everybody, but no one really cares because it's "really just like" everybody else's there; but he still really thinks it's cool so they all go and look at it out of pity and then he gets all mad and peels out while holding his finger out the window, because "you aren't as impressed as you should be."

So yeah, Russia is kinda like "that guy" is so far as space race terms go. In fact, I would go as far to say they are kind of like"that guy" all the time.

what a dick.

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