Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Price War

(Read only the STORY HIGHLIGHTS)

Then I thought this would make for a great movie starring... oh i don't know.. CHUCK NORRIS!? And then I saw how they used a bat, a pole, and a gun in the fight and I mean if you think about it that means that the guy with the gun had to say the line "well, I didn't think I was going to have to use this."But then he did have to use it, because the guy just wouldn't DIE! and then obviously they have gas stations that are right across the street from each other, and they look out the windows and see the ever lower prices just taunting them to take matters into their own hands.

So come and see the most action packed movie of the year!!!

Title: The Price War

Tag line: This July 18th.. There will be blood for Oil.

Staring: Chuck Norris

Trailer line: The price of gas driving you mad? ...mad enough to kill?

Based on a true story.