Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Toddler that shot and killed 23 yr. old man, actually notorious serial killer Jack Vance in disguise.

A toddler that was thought to have killed a man by pulling the trigger of a loaded gun was revealed to actually be the 65 yr. old serial killer Jack Vance in disguise. Evidence came to light when a security camera revealed the toddler driving to the building getting out of his car [the car has since been identified as Vance's] and walking past security unnoticed. The notorious killer known for killing as many as 40 people in the mid 60's escaped from prison in 1999 and was thought to be "out of the country on business," or at least that is what his AIM away message always said, authorities took the away message for truth because "who really lies on their away message?" Many took the discovery that Vance was still in the country and disguised as a toddler as a shock. As one worried mother put it, "how do I know my toddler isn't a 65 yr. old serial killer?" she told us that she has already taken steps to contain and isolate her toddler because "you can never be too sure."

If you have questions on whether or not your child is actually a serial killer in disguise TheNewsReport has established a hotline that you can call: 1-888-myKiller, give us a description of your child and we will easily be able to tell you over the phone. However, 90% of the time the child actually is an older man in disguise and should be considered very dangerous, take the appropriate steps to contain the child and/or put them down.

Audience stunned when Romney's "Kennedy" Moment quickly turns into Romney's "Senior" moment,8599,1691319,00.html

There's no words to describe what happened at Mitt Romney's religion speech, because Romney had no word's to describe it himself! Early reports say that the Soon-to-be-President and Dictator, got up behind the podium and just "simply forgot" what he was going to say! It's a common scene in any college or high school speech class. Romney when asked to comment said, "It's like I had this speech all planned out and everything and then I got up there and it was all like 'Bam!' and it was just gone!" Some were saying this could be Romney's "Kennedy" moment, even though Romney's policies and really nothing about him is even close to "Kennedy-esque." We here at TheNewsReport have obtained a copy of the official transcript of the speech, it's short so we will display it unedited:

[Romney approaches the podium, behind him is a with text that says "President's: The real Latter Day Saint's"]

Introducer [Russ]: Here he is Mitt "the shit" Romney. Because He's the Shit!

Mitt: We get it Russ, you're really clever. But thanks anyway! uh........ Well what I came here tonight to speak on is. uhhh......hmm.. well I'll be damned! ... No Muslims in my cabinet!

[The audience cheered and Mitt left the podium]

Early commentators are already saying that Romney's "Senior" moment was one of his best. Conservative columnist Phil Philbanks says, "The move was definitely not traditional, but brilliant all the same. This really will appeal to the American people, it makes him seem stupider, more like one of them."

Other Romney moments of note: Romney's "Hitler" moment, in which he said he wanted to double the size of Git-mo, and Romney's "too much self tanner" moment, seriously Romney you can see the self tan blotches all over your hands. We know it's not real.

Biggest Fruit Success Since Nathan Lane!

Headline: Orange Sells 30,000 iPhones in First Five Days in France

Orange is selling iphone like hotcakes apparently. This is quite an achievement for a fruit of very little brain and no hands, eyes, mouth, or internal organs. He probably even has a dial-up connection. This article surprised me because the Orange was not even American, so I thought what other country could produce a healthy treat with so much drive and innovation? France. France? Really? They haven't done anything but suck since the crepe! But apparently Orange has been partners with Apple for awhile now. This leads me to give one piece of advice to you faithful News Report readers. Listen carefully: Invest in produce. Fruit, if possible, vegetables also okay.