Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fred Thompson: "Is this over yet? can we get KFC? pleeeeease!!!"


Republicans hoping for a real talking robot boy microphone and play set for Christmas, will be sadly disappointed. Due to the fact that "real talking robot boy microphone and play set" or Fred Thompson will no longer be campaigning in New Hampshire. He is currently running fifth in the state and said "it was time to go, fifth is good enough for me" Thompson doesn't seem to realize that if you don't win there's really no point in wasting all of that money that could have, oh I don't know.. helped sick children or something. Campaign manager Dirk Ferdson said, "Fred is on Law and Order, so we think that polls really don't matter in this situation. 'dunh dunh' see when people hear that they think law and order and... oh well to tell you the truth I don't really know where this is going. We are just kind of dicking around..." However Thompson has been running a solid campaign based on the issues of making teen mothers ruin their lives to "put them in their place" and well that's really the only issue, he's almost hard to make fun of because he is so irrelevant.

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