Monday, December 3, 2007

Chimps beat humans in memory game, Humans beat Chimps in everything else.

In this battle of wits a 5 yr old chimp was set up playing a memory game against a college student. The chimp won. TheNewsReport was on the scene, incidentally the moment the chimp won the game, it arose from its chair and began to speak, saying that "the time of the chimp" was upon us. We all just laughed and made him eat a banana to put him in his place. Later we talked to the college student, he said, "dude, I was totally wasted last night! SigChi! I'm gonna totally bang Amy tonight! Pound the rock!" we said, "What do you mean?" he said, "pound the rock!" again. We came to the conclusion that yes a 5yr old chimp did beat a college student in a memory game, but what we failed to mention was that the college student was a frat guy, and was high during the memory contest and thought it was, a "drinking" game. He actually tied to take a drink every time he missed a card, and then would keep referring to the chimp as "little man." As we all know, the North American Fratasapious Homophoborus has an IQ that is equivalent to that of a retarded goldfish. So I would have to say these results are a little skewed. Plus that chimp could talk! what was up with that?!

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