Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Letters to Myself

Headline: Letter Places Stacy Peterson in Ill. Grocery Store

My impression of how this went down:
Cop (or let's face it, everyone): Dude, we know you know where she is.
Drew Peterson: I don't, but I know someone who does.
Cop: Who?
Drew: I don't know, but I got this letter.
Cop: You got a letter?
Drew: Yeah, it says she's at the grocery store.
Cop: Uh, huh, so you, Drew "means and motive" Peterson, got a letter saying your wife was at a grocery store?
Drew: Yes. It gives details of which aisle she was in and what she was wearing and everything.
Cop: You know, a letter to yourself is really more of a note.
Drew: I didn't write it!
Cop: Right, but it was just sent directly to you?
Drew: Yes. Someone is interested in clearing my name.
Cop: And that someone's not you?
Drew: Right!
Cop: Well that proves it, you're free to go, Sir.
Drew: Really?
Cop: No. Get your guilty self-writing ass back on your lawyer's lap.
Cop: (underbreath): I'll get you some day Peterson.

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