Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bride is actually terrorist: Comedian's thank news story for lots of new wife jokes!


So it appears that two Iraqi insurgents were trying to escape the country by dressing like a bride and groom. Local comedians celebrate today as they write a "whole lot" of topical, ex-wife jokes. When asked for comment comedian Judge Barr said, "It's just really great news, the ex-wife joke long ago fell into the realm of bad jokes, but I mean I've been dieing for the joke to have a re-invention. Now I can say things like 'hey did you hear this story?' or 'I saw this in the news the other day' to lead into my slew of ex-wife jokes." Needless to say the bride was hairy (like my ex). You can catch many comedians talking about the news story at any shitty bar near you!

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